What Cans’t Thou Say: Manitoba Quakers speak out on podcast special

What is a Quaker anyway? What draws people to Quaker meetings in Manitoba, and what keeps them there? And what’s up with that ‘Canst Thou’ language?     Six Quakers in Manitoba recently got together to answer those questions and talk about their own experiences with “The Religious Society of Friends.” Everyone has a different story about why they come to Quakers. Cate talks about walking into her first Quaker meeting and knowing right away that she was the right place, as she experienced the profound silence of the gathering.  Jennifer describes her deep attraction to Quaker vocal ministry. And Jim describes what it’s like be part of a Quaker wedding – right down to building the world’s most “Friendly” outhouse. Listen to their stories here, in “What Canst Thou Say,” a special podcast hosted by Lara Rae. “What Canst Thou Say” is part of an oral history project the Winnipeg Quakers have embarked on to document more about Quakers in Manitoba. Click here to listen now Find out more about Tom Findley  Watch a video version of Gwen Anderson’s story  Find out more about Quakers in Manitoba  Quaker history Podcast credits:  Our storytellers were Gwen Anderson, Tom Findley, Cate Friesen, Jennifer Dueck, Jim Chapryk, John Samson-Fellows and […]

We are on the move (to 145 Maryland Avenue)

Some time ago our meeting realized that we had become too big for the space we were in. The Centre for Christian Studies had met our needs so well in so many ways it was hard to imagine moving. Once we started to talk someone said “we have become complacent about meeting in a space that is not wheelchair accessible.” The winds shifted and we began to look in earnest.  Our testimony of equality called us to action. The way forward was difficult as there were not places that could meet all our desires and then, only a block away, we found the Westminster Housing Cooperative who could offer us everything. So, starting July 2, 2017 we will meet there, 145 Maryland Ave. each Sunday at 11:00.        

Many Voices : One World

Our meeting supports this wonderful program that goes into schools and does a story telling workshops which lead to a home grown story, artwork, banner and other outcomes such as books. Here is a picture of the banners produced at Champlain School in Winnipeg’s North End. 

The Amazing Fact of Quaker Worship

A brief reflection by meeting member, Glenn Morison. Gorman, George H.  The Amazing Fact of Quaker Worship, London: Quaker Books. 1973 Content George Gorman was born in 1916 and passed away in 1982.  He became a Quaker as a teenager and one of the most respected Quaker writers of his century.  The book is the publication of his Swarthmore Lecture Series in 1973.  There are no definitive Quaker statements but this book would be as close to that as it is possible to come. The intriguing title is explained as referring to the “fact” that something so simple as a group of people sitting quietly in a circle has proven to be something amazing for so many people over such a long time. The book is both descriptive and prescriptive, although the style is very gentle offering suggestions and invitations rather than rules or constraints. The book also weaves history, current practice and reflection in way than you are never far from each source of understanding.  It is both very practical including such details as what you can expect people to wear but hardly pedantic as it takes on such questions such as devoting an entire chapter to the question, […]